Source code for logpyle

Log Quantity Abstract Interfaces

.. autoclass:: LogQuantity
.. autoclass:: PostLogQuantity
.. autoclass:: MultiLogQuantity
.. autoclass:: MultiPostLogQuantity

Log Manager

.. autoclass:: LogManager
.. autofunction:: add_run_info

Built-in Log General-Purpose Quantities
.. autoclass:: IntervalTimer
.. autoclass:: LogUpdateDuration
.. autoclass:: EventCounter
.. autoclass:: TimestepCounter
.. autoclass:: StepToStepDuration
.. autoclass:: TimestepDuration
.. autoclass:: InitTime
.. autoclass:: WallTime
.. autoclass:: ETA
.. autoclass:: MemoryHwm
.. autoclass:: GCStats
.. autofunction:: add_general_quantities

Built-in Log Simulation-Related Quantities
.. autoclass:: SimulationTime
.. autoclass:: Timestep
.. autofunction:: set_dt
.. autofunction:: add_simulation_quantities

Internal stuff that is only here because the documentation tool wants it
.. autoclass:: _SubTimer

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Andreas Kloeckner"

__license__ = """
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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import logpyle.version

__version__ = logpyle.version.VERSION_TEXT

import logging
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from dataclasses import dataclass
from sqlite3 import Connection
from time import monotonic as time_monotonic
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List,
                    Optional, Sequence, TextIO, Tuple, Type, Union, cast)

from pymbolic.compiler import CompiledExpression  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from pymbolic.primitives import Expression  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from pytools.datatable import DataTable

if TYPE_CHECKING and not getattr(sys, "_BUILDING_SPHINX_DOCS", False):
    import mpi4py

# {{{ abstract logging interface

[docs] class LogQuantity: """A source of a loggable scalar that is gathered at the start of each time step. Quantity values are gathered in :meth:`LogManager.tick_before`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: tick .. autoproperty:: default_aggregator .. automethod:: __call__ """ sort_weight = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, unit: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Create a new quantity. Parameters ---------- name Quantity name. unit Quantity unit. description Quantity description. """ = name self.unit = unit self.description = description
@property def default_aggregator(self) -> None: """Default rank aggregation function.""" return None
[docs] def tick(self) -> None: """Perform updates required at every :class:`LogManager` tick.""" pass
[docs] def __call__(self) -> Any: """Return the current value of the diagnostic represented by this :class:`LogQuantity` or None if no value is available. This is only called if the invocation interval calls for it. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class PostLogQuantity(LogQuantity): """A source of a loggable scalar that is gathered after each time step. Quantity values are gathered in :meth:`LogManager.tick_after`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: tick .. autoproperty:: default_aggregator .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: prepare_for_tick """ sort_weight = 0
[docs] def prepare_for_tick(self) -> None: """Perform (optional) update at :meth:`LogManager.tick_before`.""" pass
[docs] class MultiLogQuantity: """A source of a list of loggable scalars gathered at the start of each time step. Quantity values are gathered in :meth:`LogManager.tick_before`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: tick .. autoproperty:: default_aggregators .. automethod:: __call__ """ sort_weight = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, names: List[str], units: Optional[Sequence[Optional[str]]] = None, descriptions: Optional[Sequence[Optional[str]]] = None) -> None: """Create a new quantity. Parameters ---------- names List of quantity names. units List of quantity units. descriptions List of quantity descriptions. """ self.names = names if units is None: self.units: Sequence[Optional[str]] = len(names) * [None] else: self.units = units if descriptions is None: self.descriptions: Sequence[Optional[str]] = len(names) * [None] else: self.descriptions = descriptions
@property def default_aggregators(self) -> List[None]: """List of default aggregators.""" return [None] * len(self.names)
[docs] def tick(self) -> None: """Perform updates required at every :class:`LogManager` tick.""" pass
[docs] def __call__(self) -> Iterable[Optional[float]]: """Return an iterable of the current values of the diagnostic represented by this :class:`MultiLogQuantity`. This is only called if the invocation interval calls for it. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MultiPostLogQuantity(MultiLogQuantity, PostLogQuantity): """A source of a list of loggable scalars gathered after each time step. Quantity values are gathered in :meth:`LogManager.tick_after`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: tick .. autoproperty:: default_aggregators .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: prepare_for_tick """ pass
class DtConsumer: def __init__(self) -> None: self.dt: Optional[float] = None def set_dt(self, dt: Optional[float]) -> None: self.dt = dt class TimeTracker(DtConsumer): def __init__(self, start: float = 0) -> None: DtConsumer.__init__(self) self.t = start def tick(self) -> None: self.t += cast(float, self.dt) class SimulationLogQuantity(PostLogQuantity, DtConsumer): """A source of loggable scalars that needs to know the simulation timestep.""" def __init__(self, name: str, unit: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None) -> None: PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, description) DtConsumer.__init__(self) class PushLogQuantity(LogQuantity): def __init__(self, name: str, unit: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None) -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, description) self.value: Optional[float] = None def push_value(self, value: float) -> None: if self.value is not None: raise RuntimeError("can't push two values per cycle") self.value = value def __call__(self) -> Optional[float]: v = self.value self.value = None return v class CallableLogQuantityAdapter(LogQuantity): """Adapt a 0-ary callable as a :class:`LogQuantity`.""" def __init__(self, callable: Callable[[], float], name: str, unit: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None) \ -> None: self.callable = callable LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, description) def __call__(self) -> float: return self.callable() # }}} # {{{ manager functionality @dataclass(frozen=True) class _GatherDescriptor: quantity: LogQuantity interval: int @dataclass(frozen=True) class _QuantityData: unit: Optional[str] description: Optional[str] default_aggregator: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] def _join_by_first_of_tuple(list_of_iterables: List[Iterable[Any]]) \ -> Generator[Tuple[int, List[Any]], None, None]: loi = [i.__iter__() for i in list_of_iterables] if not loi: return # every iterator must have >= 1 object try: key_vals = [next(iter) for iter in loi] except StopIteration: return keys = [kv[0] for kv in key_vals] values = [kv[1] for kv in key_vals] target_key = max(keys) force_advance = False i = 0 while True: while keys[i] < target_key or force_advance: try: new_key, new_value = next(loi[i]) except StopIteration: return assert keys[i] < new_key keys[i] = new_key values[i] = new_value if new_key > target_key: target_key = new_key force_advance = False i += 1 if i >= len(loi): i = 0 if min(keys) == target_key: yield target_key, values[:] force_advance = True def _get_unique_id() -> str: from uuid import uuid1 return uuid1().hex def _get_unique_suffix() -> str: from datetime import datetime return "-" + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") def _set_up_schema(db_conn: Connection) -> int: # initialize new database db_conn.execute(""" create table quantities ( name text, unit text, description text, default_aggregator blob)""") db_conn.execute(""" create table constants ( name text, value blob)""") # schema_version < 2 is missing the 'rank' field. # schema_version < 3 is missing the 'unixtime' field. db_conn.execute(""" create table warnings ( rank integer, step integer, unixtime integer, message text, category text, filename text, lineno integer )""") # schema_version < 3 does not have the logging table db_conn.execute(""" create table logging ( rank integer, step integer, unixtime integer, level text, message text, filename text, lineno integer )""") schema_version = 3 return schema_version @dataclass class _DependencyData: name: str qdat: _QuantityData agg_func: Callable[..., Any] varname: str expr: Expression nonlocal_agg: bool table: Optional[DataTable] = None @dataclass class _WatchInfo: parsed: Expression expr: Expression dep_data: List[_DependencyData] compiled: CompiledExpression unit: Optional[str] format: str @dataclass(frozen=True) class _LogWarningInfo: tick_count: int time: float message: str category: str filename: str lineno: int
[docs] class LogManager: """A distributed-memory-capable diagnostic time-series logging facility. It is meant to log data from a computation, with certain log quantities available before a cycle, and certain other ones afterwards. A timeline of invocations looks as follows:: tick_before() compute... tick_after() tick_before() compute... tick_after() ... In a time-dependent simulation, each group of :meth:`tick_before` :meth:`tick_after` calls captures data for a single time state, namely that in which the data may have been *before* the "compute" step. However, some data (such as the length of the timestep taken in a time-adaptive method) may only be available *after* the completion of the "compute..." stage, which is why :meth:`tick_after` exists. A :class:`LogManager` logs any number of named time series of floats to a file. Non-time-series data, in the form of constants, is also supported and saved. If MPI parallelism is used, the "head rank" below always refers to rank 0. Command line tools called :command:`runalyzer` are available for looking at the data in a saved log. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: save .. automethod:: close .. rubric:: Data retrieval .. automethod:: get_table .. automethod:: get_warnings .. automethod:: get_logging .. automethod:: get_expr_dataset .. automethod:: get_joint_dataset .. rubric:: Configuration .. automethod:: capture_warnings .. automethod:: capture_logging .. automethod:: add_watches .. automethod:: set_watch_interval .. automethod:: set_constant .. automethod:: add_quantity .. automethod:: enable_save_on_sigterm .. rubric:: Time Loop .. automethod:: tick_before .. automethod:: tick_after """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename: Optional[str] = None, mode: str = "r", mpi_comm: Optional["mpi4py.MPI.Comm"] = None, capture_warnings: bool = True, watch_interval: float = 1.0, capture_logging: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize this log manager instance. :arg filename: If given, the filename to which this log is bound. If this database exists, the current state is loaded from it. :arg mode: One of "w", "r" for write, read. "w" assumes that the database is initially empty. May also be "wu" to indicate that a unique filename should be chosen automatically. May also be "wo" to indicate that the file should be overwritten. :arg mpi_comm: An optional :class:`mpi4py.MPI.Comm` object. If given, logs are periodically synchronized to the head node, which then writes them out to disk. :arg capture_warnings: Tap the Python :mod:`warnings` facility and save warnings to the log file. Note that when multiple :class:`LogManager` instances have warnings capture enabled, the warnings will be saved to all instances. :arg watch_interval: print watches every N seconds. :arg capture_logging: Tap the Python :mod:`logging` facility and save logging messages to the log file. Note that when multiple :class:`LogManager` instances have logging capture enabled, the logging messages will be saved to all instances. """ assert isinstance(mode, str), "mode must be a string" assert mode in ["w", "r", "wu", "wo"], "invalid mode" self.quantity_data: Dict[str, _QuantityData] = {} self.last_values: Dict[str, Optional[float]] = {} self.before_gather_descriptors: List[_GatherDescriptor] = [] self.after_gather_descriptors: List[_GatherDescriptor] = [] self.tick_count = 0 self.constants: Dict[str, object] = {} self.last_save_time = time_monotonic() # self-timing self.start_time = time_monotonic() self.t_log: float = 0 # parallel support self.head_rank = 0 self.mpi_comm = mpi_comm self.is_parallel = mpi_comm is not None if mpi_comm is None: self.rank = 0 else: self.rank = mpi_comm.rank self.head_rank = 0 # weakref finalization self.weakref_finalize: Callable[..., Any] = lambda: None # watch stuff List[_WatchInfo] = [] self.have_nonlocal_watches = False # Interval between printing watches, in seconds self.set_watch_interval(watch_interval) # database binding import sqlite3 as sqlite self.sqlite_filename: Optional[str] = None if filename is None: file_base = ":memory:" file_extension = "" else: import os file_base, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if self.is_parallel: file_base += "-rank%d" % self.rank while True: suffix = "" if mode == "wu" and not file_base == ":memory:": if self.is_parallel: assert self.mpi_comm suffix = self.mpi_comm.bcast(_get_unique_suffix(), root=self.head_rank) else: suffix = _get_unique_suffix() filename = file_base + suffix + file_extension if not file_base == ":memory:": self.sqlite_filename = filename if mode == "wo": import os try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass self.db_conn = sqlite.connect(filename, timeout=30) self.mode = mode try: self.db_conn.execute("select * from quantities;") except sqlite.OperationalError: # we're building a new database if mode == "r": raise RuntimeError("Log database '%s' not found" % filename) self.schema_version = _set_up_schema(self.db_conn) self.set_constant("schema_version", self.schema_version) self.set_constant("is_parallel", self.is_parallel) # set globally unique run_id if self.is_parallel: assert self.mpi_comm self.set_constant("unique_run_id", self.mpi_comm.bcast(_get_unique_id(), root=self.head_rank)) else: self.set_constant("unique_run_id", _get_unique_id()) if self.is_parallel: assert self.mpi_comm self.set_constant("rank_count", self.mpi_comm.Get_size()) else: self.set_constant("rank_count", 1) else: # we've opened an existing database if mode == "w": raise RuntimeError("Log database '%s' already exists" % filename) if mode == "wu": # try again with a new suffix continue if mode == "wo": # try again, someone might have created a file with the same name continue self._load() break # {{{ warnings/logging capture self.warning_data: List[_LogWarningInfo] = [] self.old_showwarning: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None if capture_warnings and self.mode[0] == "w": self.capture_warnings(True) self.logging_data: List[_LogWarningInfo] = [] self.logging_handler: Optional[logging.Handler] = None if capture_logging and self.mode[0] == "w": self.capture_logging(True) # }}} # {{{ atexit handling import weakref # Make sure the database gets saved at exit. # Note that this does not handle all possible exit modes: # - SIGINT (i.e., Ctrl-C): automatically handled # - SIGKILL (i.e., kill -9), os._exit(), Python fatal internal error: # impossible to capture # - SIGTERM (i.e., kill): Users must handle the signal explicitly # (e.g. via 'logmgr.enable_save_on_sigterm()') self.weakref_finalize = weakref.finalize(self,
# FIXME: The weakref keeps the log manager alive until close() is # called or the application exits. # }}} def __del__(self) -> None: self.weakref_finalize()
[docs] def enable_save_on_sigterm(self) -> Union[Callable[..., Any], int, None]: """Enable saving the log on SIGTERM. :returns: The previous SIGTERM handler. """ # See # # on why this only captures SIGTERM. import signal def sighndl(_signo: int, _stackframe: Any) -> None: self.weakref_finalize() import sys sys.exit(_signo) return signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sighndl)
[docs] def capture_warnings(self, enable: bool = True) -> None: """Enable or disable :mod:`warnings` capture.""" def _showwarning(message: Union[Warning, str], category: Type[Warning], filename: str, lineno: int, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, line: Optional[str] = None) -> None: assert self.old_showwarning self.old_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) from time import time self.warning_data.append(_LogWarningInfo( tick_count=self.tick_count, time=time(), message=str(message), category=str(category), filename=filename, lineno=lineno )) import warnings if enable: if self.schema_version < 3: raise ValueError("Warnings capture needs at least schema_version 3, " f" got {self.schema_version}") if self.old_showwarning is None: self.old_showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = _showwarning else: from warnings import warn warn("Warnings capture already enabled") else: if self.old_showwarning is None: from warnings import warn warn("Warnings capture already disabled") else: warnings.showwarning = self.old_showwarning self.old_showwarning = None
[docs] def capture_logging(self, enable: bool = True) -> None: """Enable or disable :mod:`logging` capture.""" class LogpyleLogHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, mgr: LogManager) -> None: logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.mgr = mgr def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: from time import time self.mgr.logging_data.append( _LogWarningInfo(tick_count=self.mgr.tick_count, time=time(), message=record.getMessage(), category=record.levelname, filename=record.pathname, lineno=record.lineno)) root_logger = logging.getLogger() if enable: if self.schema_version < 3: raise ValueError("Logging capture needs at least schema_version 3, " f" got {self.schema_version}") if self.mode[0] == "w" and self.logging_handler is None: self.logging_handler = LogpyleLogHandler(self) root_logger.addHandler(self.logging_handler) elif self.logging_handler: from warnings import warn warn("Logging capture already enabled") else: if self.logging_handler: root_logger.removeHandler(self.logging_handler) elif self.logging_handler is None: from warnings import warn warn("Logging capture already disabled") self.logging_handler = None
[docs] def get_logging(self) -> DataTable: """Return a :class:`~pytools.datatable.DataTable` of :mod:`logging` messages logged by this :class:`LogManager` instance.""" # Match the table set up by _set_up_schema columns = ["rank", "step", "unixtime", "level", "message", "filename", "lineno"] result = DataTable(columns) if self.schema_version < 3: from warnings import warn warn("This database lacks a 'logging' table") return result for row in self.db_conn.execute( "select %s from logging" % (", ".join(columns))): result.insert_row(row) return result
def _load(self) -> None: if self.mpi_comm and self.mpi_comm.rank != self.head_rank: return from pickle import loads for name, value in self.db_conn.execute("select name, value from constants"): self.constants[name] = loads(value) self.schema_version = cast(int, self.constants.get("schema_version", 0)) self.is_parallel = bool(self.constants["is_parallel"]) for name, unit, description, def_agg in self.db_conn.execute( "select name, unit, description, default_aggregator " "from quantities"): self.quantity_data[name] = _QuantityData( unit, description, loads(def_agg))
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close this :class:`LogManager` instance.""" if self.old_showwarning is not None: self.capture_warnings(False) if self.logging_handler: self.capture_logging(False) self.weakref_finalize() self.db_conn.close()
[docs] def get_table(self, q_name: str) -> DataTable: """Return a :class:`~pytools.datatable.DataTable` of the data logged for the quantity *q_name*.""" if q_name not in self.quantity_data: raise KeyError("invalid quantity name '%s'" % q_name) result = DataTable( ["step", "rank", "value"]) for row in self.db_conn.execute( "select step, rank, value from %s" % q_name): result.insert_row(row) return result
[docs] def get_warnings(self) -> DataTable: """Return a :class:`~pytools.datatable.DataTable` of warnings logged by this :class:`LogManager` instance.""" # Match the table set up by _set_up_schema columns = ["step", "message", "category", "filename", "lineno"] if self.schema_version >= 2: columns.insert(0, "rank") if self.schema_version >= 3: columns.insert(2, "unixtime") result = DataTable(columns) for row in self.db_conn.execute( "select %s from warnings" % (", ".join(columns))): result.insert_row(row) return result
[docs] def add_watches(self, watches: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]]) -> None: """Add quantities that are printed after every time step. :arg watches: List of expressions to watch. Each element can either be a string of the expression to watch, or a tuple of the expression and a format string. In the format string, you can use the custom fields ``{display}``, ``{value}``, and ``{unit}`` to indicate where the watch expression, value, and unit should be printed. The default format string for each watch is ``{display}={value:g}{unit}``. """ default_format = "{display}={value:g}{unit} | " for watch in watches: if isinstance(watch, tuple): expr, fmt = watch else: expr = watch fmt = default_format parsed = self._parse_expr(expr) parsed, dep_data = self._get_expr_dep_data(parsed) if len(dep_data) == 1: unit = dep_data[0].qdat.unit else: unit = None from pytools import any self.have_nonlocal_watches = self.have_nonlocal_watches or \ any(dd.nonlocal_agg for dd in dep_data) from pymbolic import compile # type: ignore[import-untyped] compiled = compile(parsed, [dd.varname for dd in dep_data]) watch_info = _WatchInfo(parsed=parsed, expr=expr, dep_data=dep_data, compiled=compiled, unit=unit, format=fmt)
[docs] def set_watch_interval(self, interval: float) -> None: """Set the interval (in seconds) between the time watches are printed. :arg interval: watch printing interval in seconds. """ self.watch_interval = interval self.next_watch_tick = self.tick_count + 1
[docs] def set_constant(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Make a named, constant value available in the log. :arg name: the name of the constant. :arg value: the value of the constant. """ existed = name in self.constants self.constants[name] = value from pickle import dumps value = bytes(dumps(value)) if existed: self.db_conn.execute("update constants set value = ? where name = ?", (value, name)) else: self.db_conn.execute("insert into constants values (?,?)", (name, value))
def _insert_datapoint(self, name: str, value: Optional[float]) -> None: if value is None: return self.last_values[name] = value try: self.db_conn.execute("insert into %s values (?,?,?)" % name, (self.tick_count, self.rank, float(value))) except Exception: print("while adding datapoint for '%s':" % name) raise def _update_t_log(self, name: str, value: float) -> None: if value is None: return self.last_values[name] = value try: self.db_conn.execute(f"update {name} set value = {float(value)} \ where rank = {self.rank} and step = {self.tick_count}") except Exception: print("while adding datapoint for '%s':" % name) raise def _gather_for_descriptor(self, gd: _GatherDescriptor) -> None: if self.tick_count % gd.interval == 0: q_value = gd.quantity() if isinstance(gd.quantity, MultiLogQuantity): for name, value in zip(gd.quantity.names, q_value): self._insert_datapoint(name, value) else: self._insert_datapoint(, q_value)
[docs] def tick_before(self) -> None: """Record data points from each added :class:`LogQuantity` that is not an instance of :class:`PostLogQuantity`. Also, invoke :meth:`PostLogQuantity.prepare_for_tick` on :class:`PostLogQuantity` instances. """ tick_start_time = time_monotonic() for gd in self.before_gather_descriptors: self._gather_for_descriptor(gd) for gd in self.after_gather_descriptors: cast(PostLogQuantity, gd.quantity).prepare_for_tick() # For the first three ticks, force saving the log. if self.tick_count < 3: self.t_log = time_monotonic() - tick_start_time
[docs] def tick_after(self) -> None: """Record data points from each added :class:`LogQuantity` that is an instance of :class:`PostLogQuantity`. May also checkpoint data to disk. """ tick_start_time = time_monotonic() for gd_lst in [self.before_gather_descriptors, self.after_gather_descriptors]: for gd in gd_lst: gd.quantity.tick() for gd in self.after_gather_descriptors: self._gather_for_descriptor(gd) save_interval_seconds = 10 if tick_start_time > self.last_save_time + save_interval_seconds: # print watches if self.tick_count+1 >= self.next_watch_tick: self._watch_tick() self.t_log += time_monotonic() - tick_start_time # Adjust log update time(s), t_log for gd in self.after_gather_descriptors: if isinstance(gd.quantity, LogUpdateDuration): self._update_t_log(, gd.quantity()) self.tick_count += 1
def _save_logging(self) -> None: for log in self.logging_data: self.db_conn.execute( "insert into logging values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (self.rank, log.tick_count, log.time, log.category, log.message, log.filename, log.lineno)) self.logging_data = [] def _save_warnings(self) -> None: for w in self.warning_data: self.db_conn.execute( "insert into warnings values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (self.rank, w.tick_count, w.time, w.message, w.category, w.filename, w.lineno)) self.warning_data = []
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """Commit the current state of the log.""" if self.mode[0] != "w": # No need to save readonly files. return self._save_logging() self._save_warnings() from sqlite3 import OperationalError try: self.db_conn.commit() except OperationalError as e: # Even when encountering a commit error, we want to continue # running the application. from warnings import warn warn("encountered sqlite error during commit: %s" % e) self.last_save_time = time_monotonic()
[docs] def add_quantity(self, quantity: LogQuantity, interval: int = 1) -> None: """Add a :class:`LogQuantity` to this manager. :arg quantity: add the specified :class:`LogQuantity`. :arg interval: interval (in time steps) when to gather this quantity. """ def add_internal(name: str, unit: Optional[str], description: Optional[str], def_agg: Optional[Callable[..., Any]]) -> None: logger.debug("add log quantity '%s'" % name) if name in self.quantity_data: raise RuntimeError("cannot add the same quantity '%s' twice" % name) self.quantity_data[name] = _QuantityData(unit, description, def_agg) from pickle import dumps self.db_conn.execute("""insert into quantities values (?,?,?,?)""", ( name, unit, description, bytes(dumps(def_agg)))) self.db_conn.execute("""create table %s (step integer, rank integer, value real)""" % name) gd = _GatherDescriptor(quantity, interval) if isinstance(quantity, PostLogQuantity): gd_list = self.after_gather_descriptors else: gd_list = self.before_gather_descriptors gd_list.append(gd) gd_list.sort(key=lambda gd: gd.quantity.sort_weight) if isinstance(quantity, MultiLogQuantity): for name, unit, description, def_agg in zip( quantity.names, quantity.units, quantity.descriptions, quantity.default_aggregators): add_internal(name, unit, description, def_agg) else: add_internal(, quantity.unit, quantity.description, quantity.default_aggregator)
[docs] def get_expr_dataset(self, expression: Expression, description: Optional[str] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None) \ -> Tuple[Union[str, Any], Union[str, Any, None], List[Tuple[int, Any]]]: """Prepare a time-series dataset for a given expression. :arg expression: A :mod:`pymbolic` expression that may involve the time-series variables and the constants in this :class:`LogManager`. If there is data from multiple ranks for a quantity occurring in this expression, an aggregator may have to be specified. :returns: ``(description, unit, table)``, where *table* is a list of tuples ``(tick_nbr, value)``. Aggregators are specified as follows: - ``qty.min``, ``qty.max``, ``qty.avg``, ``qty.sum``, ``qty.norm2``, ``qty.median`` - ``qty[rank_nbr]`` - ``qty.loc`` """ parsed = self._parse_expr(expression) parsed, dep_data = self._get_expr_dep_data(parsed) # aggregate table data for dd in dep_data: table = self.get_table( table.sort(["step"]) dd.table = table.aggregated(["step"], # type: ignore "value", dd.agg_func).data # evaluate unit and description, if necessary if unit is None: from pymbolic import parse, substitute unit_dict = {dd.varname: dd.qdat.unit for dd in dep_data} from pytools import all if all(v is not None for v in unit_dict.values()): unit_dict = {k: parse(v) for k, v in unit_dict.items()} unit = substitute(parsed, unit_dict) else: unit = None if description is None: description = expression # compile and evaluate from pymbolic import compile compiled = compile(parsed, [dd.varname for dd in dep_data]) data = [] for key, values in _join_by_first_of_tuple( [dd.table for dd in dep_data if dd.table]): try: data.append((key, compiled(*values))) except ZeroDivisionError: pass return (description, unit, data)
[docs] def get_joint_dataset(self, expressions: Sequence[Expression]) -> List[Any]: """Return a joint data set for a list of expressions. :arg expressions: a list of either strings representing expressions directly, or triples (descr, unit, expr). In the former case, the description and the unit are found automatically, if possible. In the latter case, they are used as specified. :returns: A triple ``(descriptions, units, table)``, where *table* is a a list of ``[(tstep, (val_expr1, val_expr2,...)...]``. """ # dubs is a list of (desc, unit, table) triples as # returned by get_expr_dataset dubs = [] for expr in expressions: if isinstance(expr, str): dub = self.get_expr_dataset(expr) else: expr_descr, expr_unit, expr_str = expr dub = self.get_expr_dataset( expr_str, description=expr_descr, unit=expr_unit) dubs.append(dub) zipped_dubs = list(zip(*dubs)) zipped_dubs[2] = list( _join_by_first_of_tuple(zipped_dubs[2])) return zipped_dubs
def get_plot_data(self, expr_x: Expression, expr_y: Expression, min_step: Optional[int] = None, max_step: Optional[int] = None) \ -> Tuple[Tuple[Any, str, str], Tuple[Any, str, str]]: """Generate plot-ready data. :returns: ``(data_x, descr_x, unit_x), (data_y, descr_y, unit_y)`` """ (descr_x, descr_y), (unit_x, unit_y), data = \ self.get_joint_dataset([expr_x, expr_y]) if min_step is not None: data = [(step, tup) for step, tup in data if min_step <= step] if max_step is not None: data = [(step, tup) for step, tup in data if step <= max_step] stepless_data = [tup for step, tup in data] if stepless_data: data_x, data_y = list(zip(*stepless_data)) else: data_x = [] data_y = [] return (data_x, descr_x, unit_x), \ (data_y, descr_y, unit_y) def write_datafile(self, filename: str, expr_x: Expression, expr_y: Expression) -> None: (data_x, label_x, _), (data_y, label_y, _) = self.get_plot_data( expr_x, expr_y) outf = open(filename, "w") outf.write(f"# {label_x} vs. {label_y}\n") for dx, dy in zip(data_x, data_y): outf.write("{}\t{}\n".format(repr(dx), repr(dy))) outf.close() def plot_matplotlib(self, expr_x: Expression, expr_y: Expression) -> None: from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, xlabel, ylabel (data_x, descr_x, unit_x), (data_y, descr_y, unit_y) = \ self.get_plot_data(expr_x, expr_y) xlabel(f"{descr_x} [{unit_x}]") ylabel(f"{descr_y} [{unit_y}]") plot(data_x, data_y) # {{{ private functionality def _parse_expr(self, expr: Expression) -> Any: from pymbolic import parse, substitute parsed = parse(expr) # substitute in global constants parsed = substitute(parsed, self.constants) return parsed def _get_expr_dep_data(self, parsed: Expression) \ -> Tuple[Expression, List[_DependencyData]]: class Nth: def __init__(self, n: int) -> None: self.n = n def __call__(self, lst: List[Any]) -> Any: return lst[self.n] import pymbolic.mapper.dependency as pmd # type: ignore[import-untyped] deps = pmd.DependencyMapper(include_calls=False)(parsed) # gather information on aggregation expressions dep_data = [] from pymbolic.primitives import Lookup, Subscript, Variable for dep_idx, dep in enumerate(deps): nonlocal_agg = True if isinstance(dep, Variable): name = if name == "math": continue agg_func = self.quantity_data[name].default_aggregator if agg_func is None: if self.is_parallel: raise ValueError( "must specify explicit aggregator for '%s'" % name) agg_func = lambda lst: lst[0] elif isinstance(dep, Lookup): assert isinstance(dep.aggregate, Variable) name = agg_name = if agg_name == "loc": agg_func = Nth(self.rank) nonlocal_agg = False elif agg_name == "min": agg_func = min elif agg_name == "max": agg_func = max elif agg_name == "avg": try: from statistics import fmean agg_func = fmean except ImportError: # fmean is Python 3.8+ only from statistics import mean agg_func = mean elif agg_name == "median": from statistics import median agg_func = median elif agg_name == "sum": agg_func = sum elif agg_name == "norm2": from math import sqrt agg_func = lambda iterable: sqrt( sum(entry**2 for entry in iterable)) else: raise ValueError("invalid rank aggregator '%s'" % agg_name) elif isinstance(dep, Subscript): assert isinstance(dep.aggregate, Variable) name = from pymbolic import evaluate agg_func = Nth(evaluate(dep.index)) qdat = self.quantity_data[name] assert agg_func this_dep_data = _DependencyData(name=name, qdat=qdat, agg_func=agg_func, varname="logvar%d" % dep_idx, expr=dep, nonlocal_agg=nonlocal_agg) dep_data.append(this_dep_data) # substitute in the "logvar" variable names from pymbolic import substitute, var parsed = substitute(parsed, {dd.expr: var(dd.varname) for dd in dep_data}) return parsed, dep_data def _calculate_next_watch_tick(self) -> None: ticks_per_interval = (self.tick_count / max(1, time_monotonic()-self.start_time) * self.watch_interval) self.next_watch_tick = self.tick_count + int(max(1, ticks_per_interval)) def _watch_tick(self) -> None: """Print the watches after a tick.""" if not self.have_nonlocal_watches and self.rank != self.head_rank: return data_block = {qname: self.last_values.get(qname, 0) for qname in self.quantity_data.keys()} if self.mpi_comm is not None and self.have_nonlocal_watches: gathered_data = self.mpi_comm.gather(data_block, self.head_rank) else: gathered_data = [data_block] if self.rank == self.head_rank: assert gathered_data values: Dict[str, List[Optional[float]]] = {} for data_block in gathered_data: for name, value in data_block.items(): values.setdefault(name, []).append(value) def compute_watch_str(watch: _WatchInfo) -> str: display = watch.expr unit = watch.unit if watch.unit not in ["1", None] else "" value = watch.compiled( *[dd.agg_func(values[]) for dd in watch.dep_data]) try: return f"{watch.format}".format(display=display, value=value, unit=unit) except ZeroDivisionError: return f"{display}:div0" if print("".join( compute_watch_str(watch) for watch in, flush=True) self._calculate_next_watch_tick() if self.mpi_comm is not None and self.have_nonlocal_watches: self.next_watch_tick = self.mpi_comm.bcast( self.next_watch_tick, self.head_rank)
# }}} # }}} # {{{ actual data loggers
[docs] class _SubTimer: def __init__(self, itimer: "IntervalTimer") -> None: self.itimer = itimer self.elapsed = 0.0 def start(self) -> "_SubTimer": self.start_time = time_monotonic() return self def stop(self) -> "_SubTimer": self.elapsed += time_monotonic() - self.start_time del self.start_time return self def __enter__(self) -> None: self.start() def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None: self.stop() self.submit() def submit(self) -> None: self.itimer.add_time(self.elapsed) self.elapsed = 0
[docs] class IntervalTimer(PostLogQuantity): """Records elapsed times supplied by the user either through sub-timers, or by explicitly calling :meth:`add_time`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: get_sub_timer .. automethod:: start_sub_timer .. automethod:: add_time """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None) -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", description) self.elapsed: float = 0
[docs] def get_sub_timer(self) -> _SubTimer: return _SubTimer(self)
[docs] def start_sub_timer(self) -> _SubTimer: sub_timer = _SubTimer(self) sub_timer.start() return sub_timer
[docs] def add_time(self, t: float) -> None: self.start_time = time_monotonic() self.elapsed += t
def __call__(self) -> float: result = self.elapsed self.elapsed = 0 return result
[docs] class LogUpdateDuration(PostLogQuantity): """Records how long the last log update in :class:`LogManager` took. .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, mgr: LogManager, name: str = "t_log") -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Time spent updating the log") self.log_manager = mgr
def __call__(self) -> float: return self.log_manager.t_log
[docs] class EventCounter(PostLogQuantity): """Counts events signaled by :meth:`add`. .. automethod:: __init__ .. automethod:: add .. automethod:: transfer .. automethod:: pop """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = "interval", description: Optional[str] = None) -> None: PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "1", description) = 0
[docs] def add(self, n: int = 1) -> None: += n
[docs] def transfer(self, counter: "EventCounter") -> None: += counter.pop()
[docs] def pop(self) -> int: events = = 0 return events
def prepare_for_tick(self) -> None: = 0 def __call__(self) -> int: result = return result
def time_and_count_function(f: Callable[..., Any], timer: IntervalTimer, counter: Optional[EventCounter] = None, increment: int = 1) -> Callable[..., Any]: def inner_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if counter is not None: counter.add(increment) sub_timer = timer.start_sub_timer() try: return f(*args, **kwargs) finally: sub_timer.stop().submit() return inner_f
[docs] class TimestepCounter(LogQuantity): """Counts the number of times :class:`LogManager` ticks.""" def __init__(self, name: str = "step") -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "1", "Timesteps") self.steps = 0 def __call__(self) -> int: result = self.steps self.steps += 1 return result
[docs] class StepToStepDuration(PostLogQuantity): """Records the wall time between the starts of consecutive time steps, i.e., the wall time between :meth:`LogManager.tick_before` of step x and :meth:`LogManager.tick_before` of step x+1. The value stored is the value for step x+1. .. note:: In most cases, this quantity should approximately match ``t_step`` + ``t_log``. If it does not, it might indicate that the application performs operations outside :meth:`LogManager.tick_before` and :meth:`LogManager.tick_after`, or that some other time is not being accounted for. .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = "t_2step") -> None: PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Step-to-step duration") self.last_start_time: Optional[float] = None self.last2_start_time: Optional[float] = None
def prepare_for_tick(self) -> None: self.last2_start_time = self.last_start_time self.last_start_time = time_monotonic() def __call__(self) -> Optional[float]: if self.last2_start_time is None or self.last_start_time is None: return None else: return self.last_start_time - self.last2_start_time
[docs] class TimestepDuration(PostLogQuantity): """Records the wall time between invocations of :meth:`LogManager.tick_before` and :meth:`LogManager.tick_after`, i.e., the duration of the time step. .. automethod:: __init__ """ # We would like to run last, so that if log gathering takes any # significant time, we catch that, too. (CUDA sync-on-time-taking, # I'm looking at you.) sort_weight = 1000
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = "t_step") -> None: PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Time step duration")
def prepare_for_tick(self) -> None: self.last_start = time_monotonic() def __call__(self) -> float: now = time_monotonic() assert hasattr(self, "last_start"), "tick_after called without tick_before" result = now - self.last_start del self.last_start return result
[docs] class InitTime(LogQuantity): """Stores the time it took for the application to initialize. Measures the time from process start to the start of the first time step. .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = "t_init") -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Init time") try: import psutil except ModuleNotFoundError: from warnings import warn warn("Measuring the init time requires the 'psutil' module.") self.done = True else: self.create_time = psutil.Process().create_time() self.done = False
def __call__(self) -> Optional[float]: if self.done: return None self.done = True from time import time # Can't use time_monotonic() here since that does *not* return # the time since the UNIX epoch (like time() and # psutil.Process.create_time() do), but from another (undefined) # reference point. return time() - self.create_time
[docs] class WallTime(LogQuantity): """Records (monotonically increasing) wall time since the quantity was initialized. .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = "t_wall") -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Wall time") self.start = time_monotonic()
def __call__(self) -> float: return time_monotonic()-self.start
[docs] class ETA(LogQuantity): """Records an estimate of how long the computation will still take. .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__(self, total_steps: int, name: str = "t_eta") -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Estimated remaining duration") self.steps = 0 self.total_steps = total_steps self.start = time_monotonic()
def __call__(self) -> float: fraction_done = self.steps/self.total_steps self.steps += 1 time_spent = time_monotonic()-self.start if fraction_done > 1e-9: return time_spent/fraction_done-time_spent else: return 0
[docs] def add_general_quantities(mgr: LogManager) -> None: """Add generally applicable :class:`LogQuantity` objects to *mgr*.""" mgr.add_quantity(TimestepDuration()) mgr.add_quantity(StepToStepDuration()) mgr.add_quantity(WallTime()) mgr.add_quantity(LogUpdateDuration(mgr)) mgr.add_quantity(TimestepCounter()) mgr.add_quantity(InitTime()) mgr.add_quantity(MemoryHwm())
[docs] class SimulationTime(TimeTracker, LogQuantity): """Record (monotonically increasing) simulation time.""" def __init__(self, name: str = "t_sim", start: float = 0) -> None: LogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "s", "Simulation Time") TimeTracker.__init__(self, start) def __call__(self) -> float: return self.t
[docs] class Timestep(SimulationLogQuantity): """Record the magnitude of the simulated time step.""" def __init__(self, name: str = "dt", unit: str = "s") -> None: SimulationLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, unit, "Simulation Timestep") def __call__(self) -> Optional[float]: return self.dt
[docs] def set_dt(mgr: LogManager, dt: float) -> None: """Set the simulation timestep on :class:`LogManager` ``mgr`` to ``dt``. :arg mgr: the :class:`LogManager` instance. :arg dt: the simulation timestep. """ for gd_lst in [mgr.before_gather_descriptors, mgr.after_gather_descriptors]: for gd in gd_lst: if isinstance(gd.quantity, DtConsumer): gd.quantity.set_dt(dt)
[docs] def add_simulation_quantities(mgr: LogManager) -> None: """Add :class:`LogQuantity` objects relating to simulation time. :arg mgr: the :class:`LogManager` instance. """ mgr.add_quantity(SimulationTime()) mgr.add_quantity(Timestep())
[docs] def add_run_info(mgr: LogManager) -> None: """Add generic run metadata, such as command line, host, and time.""" try: import psutil except ModuleNotFoundError: import sys mgr.set_constant("cmdline", " ".join(sys.argv)) else: mgr.set_constant("cmdline", " ".join(psutil.Process().cmdline())) from socket import gethostname mgr.set_constant("machine", gethostname()) from time import localtime, strftime, time mgr.set_constant("date", strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime())) mgr.set_constant("unixtime", time())
[docs] class MemoryHwm(PostLogQuantity): """Record (monotonically increasing) memory high water mark (HWM) in MBytes.""" def __init__(self, name: str = "memory_usage_hwm") -> None: PostLogQuantity.__init__(self, name, "MByte", "Memory High Water Mark") import os if os.uname().sysname == "Linux": self.fac = 1024 elif os.uname().sysname == "Darwin": self.fac = 1024*1024 else: raise ValueError("MemoryHwm is only supported on Linux/Mac.") def __call__(self) -> float: from resource import RUSAGE_SELF, getrusage res = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) return res.ru_maxrss / self.fac
[docs] class GCStats(MultiPostLogQuantity): """Record Garbage Collection statistics. Information regarding the meaning of these values can be found at: - - .. # noqa: E501 - - """ def __init__(self) -> None: names = [ # gc.isenabled(): "gc_isenabled", # gc.get_count(): "gc_count_gen0", "gc_count_gen1", "gc_count_gen2", # gc.get_stats(): "gc_collections_gen0", "gc_collected_gen0", "gc_uncollectable_gen0", "gc_collections_gen1", "gc_collected_gen1", "gc_uncollectable_gen1", "gc_collections_gen2", "gc_collected_gen2", "gc_uncollectable_gen2", ] units = ["bool", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"] descriptions = ["Is automatic GC enabled?", "GC count gen0", "GC count gen1", "GC count gen2", "GC collections gen0", "GC objects collected gen0", "GC objects uncollectable gen0", "GC collections gen1", "GC objects collected gen1", "GC objects uncollectable gen1", "GC collections gen2", "GC objects collected gen2", "GC objects uncollectable gen2", ] assert len(names) == len(units) == len(descriptions) == 13 super().__init__(names, cast(List[Optional[str]], units), cast(List[Optional[str]], descriptions)) def __call__(self) -> Iterable[Optional[float]]: import gc enabled = gc.isenabled() counts = gc.get_count() stats = gc.get_stats() return [enabled, counts[0], counts[1], counts[2], stats[0]["collections"], stats[0]["collected"], stats[0]["uncollectable"], stats[1]["collections"], stats[1]["collected"], stats[1]["uncollectable"], stats[2]["collections"], stats[2]["collected"], stats[2]["uncollectable"] ]
# }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker